Index, Label Editor, Workflows, Consensus, SDK


  • Audio file support for Index: Index now supports the curation and organization of your audio data.
  • Custom embeddings in Index: Index now supports custom embeddings. You can now use your own embeddings to enhance the accuracy of data curation and organization.
  • Re-index Index files: Re-index when you change indexing instructions such as which frames you need indexed. You do not need to re-index when changing custom metadata. Refer to our documentation for more information.

Label Editor Customization

Configure custom label editor layouts, for Projects, that suit your needs. Custom label editor layouts are set using JSON files that are uploaded in the Project settings. Check out our documentation for more information.


Encord now provides several boilerplate Workflow templates for you to choose from:

  • Standard workflow: A Workflow template with a single Annotate and a single Review block.
  • Double review workflow: A Workflow template that builds on the **Standard workflow ** template with a routing block and a second Review block.
  • Consensus workflow: A Consensus Workflow template with a single Consensus (Review & Refine) block.
  • Tie-breaker Consensus workflow: A Consensus Workflow template with two Consensus (Determine Consensus) blocks.

All Workflow templates are available during Project creation.


Consensus workflows are no longer in BETA. Consensus workflows have been battle-tested and are no longer in BETA. If you haven’t already, check out how Consensus Workflows can vastly improve your annotation workstream. Refer to our documentation for more information on Consensus Workflows.

Consensus workflows now support get_label_reviews using the SDK. This method returns Review tasks. Those tasks can then be approved/reopened/rejected.