Once you have your data, your Ontology, and a Workflow template, it is time to create a Project. Labels are created and reviewed within Projects. Projects tie together Datasets, Ontologies, and labels.

Substitute the following values into the script below:

  • <private_key_path> with the path to your private key.
  • <project_title> with the title you want to give the Project.
  • <dataset_hash> with the hash of the Dataset(s) you want to attach to the Project.
  • <ontology_hash> with the hash of the Ontology you created for this Project (output in Step 1).
  • <template_hash> with the hash of the Workflow template. To use the default Workflow template the workflow_template_hash argument must be omitted. See here for more information.

To use the default Workflow template the workflow_template_hash argument must be omitted.

To use an existing template when creating a Project, users must have Admin privileges on the template. We recommend creating a copy of the Workflow template before Project creation, to ensure you have Admin privileges.

# Import dependencies
from encord.user_client import EncordUserClient

# Authenticate using the path to your private key. Replace \<private_key_path> with the path to your key
user_client = EncordUserClient.create_with_ssh_private_key(

# Create a project. Substitute the project title, dataset hashes, and template hash. 
project = user_client.create_project(
    dataset_hashes=["<dataset_hash_1>", "<dataset_hash_2>"],
    ontology_hash= "<ontology_hash>"

# Prints the Project hash
print (project.project_hash)