3. Set Up Your Project and Team
Create a Project
Once you have your data, your Ontology, and a Workflow template, it is time to create a Project. Labels are created and reviewed within Projects. Projects tie together Datasets, Ontologies, and labels.
Substitute the following values into the script below:
- <private_key_path> with the path to your private key.
- <project_title> with the title you want to give the Project.
- <dataset_hash> with the hash of the Dataset(s) you want to attach to the Project.
- <ontology_hash> with the hash of the Ontology you created for this Project (output in Step 1).
- <template_hash> with the hash of the Workflow template. To use the default Workflow template the
argument must be omitted. See here for more information.
To use the default Workflow template the workflow_template_hash
argument must be omitted.
To use an existing template when creating a Project, users must have Admin privileges on the template. We recommend creating a copy of the Workflow template before Project creation, to ensure you have Admin privileges.
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