The following script converts a Manual QA Project into a Workflow Project. A .txt log file containing all Label Rows that can not be copied is created when the script is run.

You must have Admin permissions for the Workflow template you want to use in this script. Create a Workflow template in the Encord platform to ensure you have Admin permissions.
  • Project collaborators are not copied. Collaborators must be added to the target Workflow Project manually after it is created using this script.
  • Tasks in the Complete stage of the source Project are copied into the Complete stage of the Workflow Project. Source Project tasks in any stage other than Complete are copied into the Annotate stage of the Workflow Project.

In the main function of the following script, ensure that you:

  • Replace <private_key_path> with the path to the file containing your private key.
  • Replace <source_project_hash> with your source Project’s hash.
  • Replace <target_project_name> with the name you want to give to your target Workflow Project.
  • Replace <workflow_template_hash> with the ID of the Workflow template you want to use for the target Project.

Optionally you can:

  • Adjust the Bundle size. The Bundle size in the following script is set to 100, the maximum bundle size.
  • Include the hashes of all objects and classifications you want to copy to the target Project. The default None copies all objects and classifications from the source Project.