ConsensusAnnotationStage Objects

class ConsensusAnnotationStage(WorkflowStageBase)


The Annotate stage in a Consensus Project.


def get_tasks(
        assignee: Union[List[str], str, None] = None,
        data_hash: Union[List[UUID], UUID, List[str], str, None] = None,
        dataset_hash: Union[List[UUID], UUID, List[str], str, None] = None,
        data_title: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterable[ConsensusAnnotationTask]

Retrieves tasks for the ConsensusAnnotationStage.


  • assignee (Union[List[str], str, None]): A list of user emails or a single user email to filter tasks by assignee.
  • data_hash (Union[List[UUID], UUID, List[str], str, None]): A list of data unit UUIDs or a single data unit UUID to filter tasks by data hash.
  • dataset_hash (Union[List[UUID], UUID, List[str], str, None]): A list of dataset UUIDs or a single dataset UUID to filter tasks by dataset hash.
  • data_title (Optional[str]): A string to filter tasks by data title.


An iterable of ConsensusAnnotationTask instances with the following information:

  • uuid: Unique identifier for the task.
  • created_at: Time and date the task was created.
  • updated_at: Time and date the task was last edited.
  • data_hash: Unique identifier for the data unit.
  • data_title: Name/title of the data unit.
  • subtasks: A list of subtasks that follow the task format for AnnotationTask.