Any Index Collection can be exported to CSV. The CSV file contains the following:

  • File ID: Specifies the unique data ID for each image, image group, image sequence, or video in the Collection.

  • File Name: Specifies the file name for the image or video in the Collection.

  • Collection Hash: Specifies the unique ID for the Collection.


File ID	 File Name	 Collection Hash
0e7a1435-5a98-4fcc-8031-97cd355efa31	bvs_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
1bc04ef6-763e-4297-804f-3dd672d17521	tbl_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
8fb166ba-6b2e-452a-806f-4310e2bd1d9c	3s_np_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
e6dba814-15a7-493e-80b9-a16a3d60fd09	frank-1931-color_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
12aae58b-9095-459e-8114-5a6008660d5b	tdtess-02_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
9c45853d-48fb-4205-813c-41ffba4aa3b5	swanh_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
ad0cc762-6c36-4a8e-81a1-609ed762ca12	drac-1931-color-02_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
0617c071-8055-4368-828c-9c1048ef9d38	3s-ng_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
d16fc76e-0c74-4822-832c-4ce40c3c0144	3s_np_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
8e96cd60-f33d-4b8a-848a-745598c84c4a	tdtess-02_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
6201a42f-1207-4312-8740-b3e7a5928ee3	bt_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
c2e56b55-1124-45e2-8790-f5f0b4c80b6b	001-3s-ng_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111
82157475-99c0-472e-87e3-3b8329a91dd1	001-3s-ana_normalized.mp4	35e90f34-b129-4edb-859e-a9451527b111

To export a Collection to CSV:

  1. Log in to the Encord platform. The landing page for the Encord platform appears.

  2. Go to Index > Files. The All folders page appears with a list of all folders in Encord.

  1. Click in to a folder. The landing page for the folder appears and the Explorer button is enabled.
  1. Click the Explorer button. The Index Explorer page appears.
  1. Click Collections. The Collections page appears.
  1. Select the checkbox for the Index Collection for export.

  2. Click the more icon. A small menu appears.

  3. Click Generate CSV from the menu. The Download Generated CSV dialog appears when Active finishes generating a CSV file for the Collection.

  4. Click Download CSV. The CSV file downloads to your local computer.