Encord automatically identifies series belonging to the same study using the Study UID found in the metadata. This allows you to work with DICOM studies.

Before working with DICOM studies in Encord, ensure you take the following steps:

  1. Create one or more Datasets containing the DICOM series you want to label. We recommend creating one Dataset per study. Refer to our best practices for efficient data uploading guidelines.

  2. Create a Manual QA Project, and attach the Dataset(s) containing your DICOM studies to the Project.

You must create a Manual QA Project for study-level workflows.

Apply study level classifications

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab of your Project.
  2. Enable the Study level classifications toggle in the DICOM section.
  1. Navigate to the Labels tab and click the Start labeling button.
  1. Optionally, click the View full study button to see all the series in your study.

  2. Select a classification from your list of Ontology classes.

  3. Click the Study button to apply the classification to all series in the study.

Use the Shift + M keyboard shortcut to apply classifications to studies.
  1. Click the Submit button in the top right corner of the Label Editor to submit the series.